Former Firnew Artist: Linda Lane

I am a Richmond gal born and raised.  I attended St. Gertrude’s High School and completed my degree in Early Childhood Education from VCU.

I am blessed in that I have two great loves in addition to family:  Animals and Pottery.  Animals have been a priority since day one.  But pottery, well that’s another story.

My interest and love for pottery came about purely by chance. A good friend convinced me to take a class with her.  She lasted through one session.  I never left.  25 years later I still love working with clay both on the wheel and hand building.  I’ve attended a Potter’s Gathering in Ripley West Virginia for the last 23 years. I will never forget one of our renowned presenters saying, and I quote, I have never had an original idea in my life…  So True.  I am influenced by my environment and the creations of others but in the end it is all about what I am seeing and feeling, the influences of nature, its abundance of life forms  and all that she offers.  Being in sync and balance with myself and nature helps me to create my best work.  Creating something out of a piece of earth is magical, even spiritual. Clay has a way of speaking to you. Working with clay is literally working with a pure form of nature.  I love feeling it between my fingers and watching it spiral into life.

I create unique pieces along with some functional pottery.   I will continue to grow, learn from others and create pieces to share.

70% of the proceeds from all sales goes toward animal rescue organizations.

Linda Lane -Yellow Dog Pottery, (by appointment) 804-514-1001