2018 Firnew Farm Artists’ Circle 15th Anniversary

From Firnew photographer Larry Patterson:

For the last few weeks, there have been occasional hints about something big happening at Firnew. Here it is.

John Berry, a photographer in our group, has gone not big, but huge, to help celebrate the Firnew Farm Artists’ Circle 15th Anniversary. Over the last year or so, John has been printing big and large, with life-size creations of people, goats, and cattle. Obviously, life-size was not good enough for him!

This year also marks our 15th Annual Show. This farm is private property, and the only opportunity for the general public to see this project is to attend our show, on May 6, 2018, from 1-5 PM. The artwork from our approximately 30 artists will be on display and available for purchase.

As an added bonus, student artwork from Madison County High School, William Monroe High School, and Woodberry Forest School will also be on display.
(Photo by Larry Patterson)