2017 Tucker Hill Memorial Scholarship Recipients
The Tucker Hill Memorial Scholarship Recipients were announced at our 13th Annual Art and Photography Show “Virginia Threads of American Gothic” on Sunday, May 7th. The scholarships, given on behalf of the Blue Ridge Foothills Conservancy and the Firnew Farm Artists’ Circle, went to Lindsay Knights, Morgan Prior and Kristen Shifflett from William Monroe High School and Sarah Coates from Madison High School. Lindsay Knights will be attending the University of Virginia; Morgan Prior, Old Dominion University; Kristen Shifflett, James Madison University; and Sarah Coates, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Tucker Hill was a printmaker who excelled at expressing his talents in the form of making monotypes of the Piedmont landscape. After Tucker’s death in 2010, his business partner Robert Tierney donated many of Tucker’s prints to Artist Cory Caulfield. Cory sells the prints and the monies go to finance the scholarships. Tucker’s legacy lives on through the scholarships, and we are grateful for the generosity and support of Robert and Cory.
One of our Firnew photographer’s, John Berry, captured the special moment. In the foreground: Trish Crowe, founder and leader of FFAC, and her granddaughter. Back row, from left: Beth Laine, William Monroe High School Art Teacher and Lindsay Knights, Morgan Prior and Kristen Shifflett from William Monroe High School and Sarah Coates from Madison High School.