Claudia Wisdom-Good

Canadian girl living in the Virginia Piedmonts since 1993, Claudia shares her time between the tranquility of Madison County and traveling the world. 

Inspired by culture, landscape, nature, color and composition in real life, Claudia paints abstractly in oil with cold wax, using her travel and international galleries and retreats as the prominent inspiration in her compositions and education. Also a true lover of photography, her photos lend a huge part in the development of her paintings. Her goal is to one day host a show with her photography and her paintings of the same spot in the world. Stay tuned on that one.

A member of Firnew Farm Artistsʼ Circle since 2009. Claudia has led painting, art and culture, food and wine trips to her Italian Jewels, and Scottish Highlands with many of our artists through her company Jetset Wisdom. Now developing new locations including Slovenia, Iceland, Bulgaria and the Netherlands, always enjoying the journey seeing art in its many forms.

Find me on IG at  ArtistaCadelBosco, at JetsetWisdom, and at FirnewFarmArtistsCircle

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