John Berry
I bought my first camera in 1978, and have been photographing off and on ever since. My focus in recent years has been a mix of shooting high school sports and portraits, mostly high school seniors. Most of this work is done digitally, although I mix in some analog work for personal work (I started with film and still love the look and how it slows down the photographic process).
A May 2018 wetplate workshop at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond opened up a new world for me. And the extra time given me during the current pandemic (and complete shutdown of sports and portraits for several months) allowed me time to go deeper into the process, and was a godsend for me in what otherwise could have been a very stressful time. Wetplate led to other “handmade” processes, including Cyanotype and Van Dyke Brown printing.
Self portrait.
John’s websites: and